Saturday, September 3, 2016

Fundamentals of English

english language course in Rawalpindi

Before learning the skills, a student must know the fundamentals of the English language. Here is a short detail of fundamentals for the beginners. Technical Data used in the field explained in english language course in Rawalpindi.

A set of letters arranged in a fixed order which is used for writing a language. In English language there are 26 alphabets. Some more details of english language course in Rawalpindi are as under
Capital Letter:
A letter of the alphabet in the form and larger size that Is used at the beginning of sentences and names.
Small Letter:
A letter of the alphabet in the form and smaller size that is used in the words,
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
TSK Training for Skills and Knowledge is the best institute in Rawalpindi Islamabad for Pakistani Students who wants to learn english language course in Rawalpindi.

Information to Get the Best IELTS Test Score Possible

So many of my students ask me, 'How can I get the best IELTS score possible?'
OK, so the most obvious thing is to do lots of practice and make sure your reading, writing, listening and speaking skills are good enough to get the IELTS Band Score you need. Technical Data used in the field explained in ielts course in Rawalpindi.

First of all, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with what's expected in the test on the official IELTS website ( but in the meantime, I'm going to make it really easy for you by giving you some information about what to expect.
In my opinion half the battle knows the IELTS test procedure. If you've ever had to sit a test more than once, think how much easier it was the second time because you knew what to expect! I should know; I failed my driving test FOUR times! Some more details of ielts course in Rawalpindi are as under
What is the IELTS test?
The first thing to do is to check that IELTS is actually the test you need.
IELTS stands for International English Language Testing System; it is an English testing system which assesses the language ability of people who want/need to study in an English speaking environment. Many employers, universities and immigration authorities require that you have a certain IELTS Band Score before they will accept your application.
When thinking about when you're going to take the test, it's important to remember that your IELTS Band Score is only valid for 2 years.
Next, you must decide which version of the test is the best IELTS test version for you. There are two versions of the IELTS test; the Academic version and the General Training version. If you wish to study at undergraduate or postgraduate level, you must take IELTS Academic version, if you wish to emigrate or work overseas, IELTS General Training version is appropriate.
The two versions have four sub-tests or modules; reading, writing, listening and speaking. The IELTS Listening and IELTS Speaking sub-tests are the same in both the Academic version and the General Training version but the IELTS Reading and IELTS Writing sub-tests are different. A certified examiner, who has undergone thorough training will assess your writing and speaking skills and give you a Band Score in those sub-tests.
How do I apply for the IELTS test?
I recommend you go to the official IELTS website and download 'The IELTS handbook ‘and 'IELTS Information for Candidates'. These 2 booklets both explain how to apply to take the test, however I'll give you a brief overview and some of my own comments here.
1. You apply to your local IELTS Test Centre to sit the test.
You can find your nearest test Centre of the official IELTS website; you'll find the address, contact details and the upcoming test dates.
2. Go to the IELTS Test Centre to get an application form. If it's difficult for you to go there, you can download an application form from the official IELTS website. You could even ask if the Test Centre would mail one out to you.
3. Decide what date you want to take the test and fill in the application form. Make sure you write the correct module; Academic or General Training, depending on what you need.
4. If possible, get a native English friend to check over your application form for you.
5. Send your completed form to the Test Centre you wish to attend, together with 2 passport sized photos and the test fee.
6. Make sure you provide the same ID on test day as you put on your application form. If the 2 forms of ID are different, you will not be allowed to take the test. If for any reason, this won't be possible, contact the Test Centre immediately.
7. Once your application form has been processed, the Test Centre will send you a confirmation letter with the date and time of the test and also some instructions for the day.
What do I do on Test Day?
Well, first of all make sure you get a good night's sleep the night before and that you have a good breakfast (yes, I'm also a mum!). If your speaking test is on the same day, remember you will also need to have lunch.
Don't forget to take your ID with you as it will be checked on your arrival.
Be aware that you can't take your belongings, including your mobile phone into the test room. There will be a specified area outside the room where you can leave them.
As with all exams, once the invigilator (the test supervisor) has stated that the test has started, no talking is allowed. If you need to ask something, just raise your hand.
The listening test is first, then reading, then writing (I will give you further details about the different sub-tests in my next posts). Your Test Centre will tell you the time (and date) of your speaking test.
Once the test is over, all there is to do is to wait for your results. IELTS test results are posted out on the 13th day after your test so you should receive those 2 weeks after the test. It may be possible to go to the Test Centre on the 13th day after the test to collect your results but you will have to ask them. The Test Centre cannot, however, give you your results over the phone or via fax or email.
You don't get a certificate after taking IELTS; you get a Test Report Form (TRF) with your results. Look after your Test Report Form, you only get one copy. Remember, however, that you can ask for additional copies (a maximum of five) to be sent to the organization asking for your result (university, immigration etc.)
Hopefully it's now time to celebrate! If not, don't despair; see my post 'What to-do if your IELTS score isn't high enough'. It may be possible to salvage the situation. In any case, it's time to move 'onwards and upwards'!
Here's to the best IELTS score possible!

TSK Training for Skills and Knowledge is the best institute in Rawalpindi Islamabad for Pakistani Students who wants to join field after ielts course in Rawalpindi.